Monday, November 28, 2011

Hippos in the Produce Aisle

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

In my dream I got in a golf cart and drove to the grocery store, but the store was practically in my front yard!  I went into the store on a sort of conveyor belt, and it even carried me through the store!  But sometimes I got the feeling it was trying to bump me off.

I was looking for russet potatoes.  Then I saw an enormous display sitting directly ahead of me.  The potatoes were huge, and I wanted big ones, as always.  But when I got closer, I saw that they were not potatoes, but baby hippos!  They were stacked up perfectly, but they just looked awful!  All muddy and fat!  I loaded up my cart anyway, but the conveyor belt (or was it a treadmill?) bogged down.  I couldn’t move!  Suddenly I knew I didn’t want to buy baby hippos!

Bet you’ve never heard a dream about baby hippos at the grocery store!


Potato Shopper

Dear Potato Shopper,

You’re right ~ these baby hippos in the produce department are a first!  Our dreams rely on curious and quizzical images to get our attention and relay crucial information!

There are several notable elements to your dream. 

First of all, you don’t seem to move at all in your dream using your own power.  You travel a short distance from your front door to the grocery store in a golf cart!  Why?  You even seem to marvel at this fact in your dream.  Have you asked yourself whether you ride when you could walk?  Your dream seems to suggest that riding or driving in some situations is ludicrous for you.

Next, in the store, you again are conveyed throughout without exerting any effort.  Your Dreaming Self may be pointing out your lack of physical effort.  And after all, you only go from home to the grocery store.  Since the conveyor tries to throw you off, it’s worth considering throwing yourself off an unhealthy habit by engaging in more exercise instead of taking the easy way every time.

Finally, it seems that your Dreaming Self is sending a strong message by using the image of baby hippos for potatoes ~ the potatoes have become baby hippos!  Those hippos are stacked up neatly, but you find them unattractive, even calling them “fat.” 

Think of the possibilities for word play here:  are the potatoes (carbs) stacking up on you?  Do you think of yourself as well proportioned (“stacked”), only to be faced with an unpleasant possibility --- that stack is now baby hippos!

When you load up on the carbs anyway, your conveyor almost breaks down.  This could be critical in your dream which seems so clearly health related.  Dear Dreamer, you do not want to bog down and become immobile!

Your dream reflects your habits and state of mind.  It suggests that you review your exercise and eating habits, Dear Dreamer.  It predicts that if you keep buying the hippos anyway, you could be in for a real problem in your physical abilities.  Better to be proactive than reactive!

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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