Monday, July 25, 2011

Arrested for Something I Didn't Do

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
Every so often I dream that I get arrested for something I didn’t do.  It’s very scary and extremely frustrating.  It seems like no matter what I say, I cannot convince the police that I’m innocent!
This week, it seemed like a traffic stop.  But I had to get out of the car and open the trunk.  I couldn’t see what was in the trunk, but it made me look guilty.  I kept trying to tell the officer that I didn’t do it – whatever “it” was!  But he just wouldn’t listen.
So, I must have a guilty conscience, right?
Arrested, but Innocent 

Dear Arrested,
It could be that you have a double whammy in the dream world:  A recurring dream that’s using a pun or a play on words to make a point with you.
First of all, be sure to make a few notes when you have this dream.  As mentioned to “What’s Up with the Fish?” it is extremely helpful in pinning down the significance of a recurring dream when you can connect it with the events of your waking life.  
Most dreamers need only two or three repetitions of the dream to see the concurrent events that trigger it. 
For you, I suggest considering the play on words.  Instead of feeling maligned when you’re innocent, look for something that you haven’t done, but should have done.  Your life may be arrested, stopped, blocked, or held hostage by something you’re not doing, but can and should do to make progress.
Chances are, you already know what to do.  It may even be something you actually want to do, but feel shy or frightened away from trying.  But, you don’t want to look back on your life with wishful thinking and regrets, do you?
Be brave, Dear Dreamer.  Don’t let your life be arrested by something you don’t do!
Sweet Dreams to you!


What's Up with the Fish?

Dear SMYD,
I hope you can help me understand something about my dreams.  I'm 50 and have had a recurring theme in my dreams since I was a child. It involves fish, usually very beautiful and colorful tropical fish. 
Many times I am saving them or trying to save them, sometimes I am admiring their colors and flowing fins.  This theme isn't disturbing to me at all, unless they are in distress.  But it makes me wonder... what's with the fish?
By the way, I have always loved animals, and I have had a marine aquarium for 20+ years, but the fish theme goes back as long as I can remember.
Thank you very much,
What’s up with the Fish?

Dear What’s Up,
Recurring dreams are so interesting and yours is especially so...a recurring theme, as you put it.

First of all, what a lovely recurring theme to have! These beautiful creatures that you admire could be representative of your very own thoughts and manner of thinking---sort of your underwater, under the surface, self.  The fact that the fish are healthy, colorful, and pleasing is indicative of your state of mind. Lucky you!  Your dream may simply be expressing your pleasures in life at the time of the dream.

Those occasions when you find yourself trying to save the fish may be reflecting times when you're under stress and frightened for yourself.  Your dreaming self shows your anxiety over worries that you haven't quite gotten a hold on.

Making a few notes when you have the dream will be extremely helpful in pinning down its precise significance.  You've had it enough times now that you could probably get by with key words and phrases if you don't have time to write a full-blown description. For example, perhaps just write: fish dream, beautiful, serene, happy.  Or: fish dream, danger, frustration, can't get to them.

Then, the key is to make notes of what's going on in your life at the time of the dream. I feel certain that only two or three examples of the dream and the concurrent events in your life will give you clear insights into the exact connection between the two.

I hope this is helpful.  
Sweet “Fishy” Dreams to you!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hooray! Picked for the Team

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
I dreamed that I was picked to play on a softball team.  I felt very excited and happy and just giggled and grinned as the selection of team members continued. 
Jessica, a much-admired former colleague, was choosing team members, or she was already on the team and wanted me there, too.
Not Really Athletic 

Dear Not Really,

Sounds like you would love to be on any team, any time with Jessica.  She seems to be a favorite person for you.  Why is that true?  Is she smart and energetic?  Efficient, funny, dedicated, determined?  Your dream suggests that all the good things you can think of in describing Jessica are also be true of you!  Your dream says you can join that “Jessica Team” with glee.  You have the credentials.
Your dream may be relating to the potential for working with a group of people you’re interested in, or it may simply be giving you that boost in self-confidence you need.  You say you're not really athletic, but your Dreaming Self picked you for the team.  Your dream says you have all the right stuff.
Are you anticipating new collaborative circumstances?  Your dream implies a “green light.”  All systems are “go” for a good experience.
Pretty prospects and Sweet Dreams to you!


Richard Burton v. Clark Gable

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
I dreamed I had a piece of bread that, in my mind at least, looked like a celebrity – you know, like the tree rings that look like the Virgin Mary.  I was trying to get my old friend Cathy to guess who it was, but I couldn’t remember the celebrity’s name myself.  (I hold a fondness for Cathy from our years together in adolescence.  But our friendship has not stood the test of time.)
We ultimately settled on Richard Burton, but I knew that wasn’t right.  I don’t like Richard Burton, and I knew it wasn’t him.  I knew who it looked like, but could not call up the correct name.  Anyway, we talked about Richard Burton, his life and career, and I went along.
Then, after I woke up, I concentrated and came up with Clark Gable.  I love Clark Gable!  That’s who I was trying to think of in the dream.  That’s who the bread really looked like.

What’s that all about?
Star Struck 

Dear Star Struck,
Twice in your dream, you accept people you don’t really like.  First with your old “friend” Cathy.  You say your friendship hasn’t stood the test of time.  Why?  Was she disloyal?  Did she develop bad habits?  Why are you no longer truly friends?
It will help you understand your dream if you pin down the reasons your Dreaming Self selected Cathy among all others to join you.  She represents a part of your life, or even a part of you,  that you don’t really care for any more, but you keep the relationship (the conversation) alive anyway.
Then, you couldn’t think of Clark Gable in the dream, but accepted Richard Burton knowing it was wrong, and he’s someone you dislike.  The feeling was false, as though you sacrificed yourself just to keep the conversation going.
When you examine your waking life, do these feelings sound familiar?  Are you in a forced relationship, at home, at work, or with family or friends - one where your thoughts or feelings are sublimated even though it’s not satisfying and feels false?
It will also be helpful to spend time thinking about Richard Burton and Clark Gable.  I don’t pretend to know your thoughts, but for the sake of example, perhaps you would don’t like Burton because he is pretentious and self-indulgent.  Does someone or something in your life fit that description?  Are you accepting it, knowing it feels wrong?
Why go along with that?  Why try to keep that conversation going?
In contrast, for example, you might say Clark Gable represents a more solid, wholesome person. 
Your dreams suggests you may feel you’ve accepted one, but feel dissatisfied, recognizing with effort (the concentration you mention) you might find  the other - for your bread – the very staff of your life. 
Soul searching seems called for Dear Dreamer.
Sweet Dreams to you!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Not Ready for the Test! - Frantic Recurring Dream

Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD,
I know lots of people who have dreams like this one.  Here’s the version that I keep having:
I am back at school.  I forgot that today is test day and I am not ready for this test!  I can’t even remember which classroom I’m supposed to be in!
I run from room to room.  Some are empty.  Others have strangers in them and the teacher seems mad that I have interrupted. 
Sometimes when I have this dream, I’m in my underwear!
I hate the feeling this dream leaves me with --- scared and unprepared!  Why do I keep having it?
Unprepared and Scared
Dear Unprepared and Scared,
You’re right about one thing --- MANY people have some version of this dream!  Interesting, isn’t it, the universal aspect of dreaming?  So many of us express our feelings in a similar way.
Treat this recurring dream as you would any recurring dream.  Make note of it right away and make note of what’s going on in your life right now.  Be sure to consider the personal, the professional, familial areas of your life.  Chances are excellent you’ll discover that you are experiencing stress and a sense of being overwhelmed in at least one area.  Perhaps elements of various areas in your life are converging in their demands on you.
Your dream’s sensation of being frantic, unprepared, and overwhelmed is, unfortunately, common in many of our lives during these hectic times.  We worry that we have forgotten something extremely important (the test date) – “Did I refill that prescription for my ailing mother?” 
We feel unsure where to turn (running from class to class) – “I wish my siblings lived closer so we could share the burden.” 
We look for a friendly, helpful face, but find only strangers who seem unwilling to offer help or comfort (finding unfamiliar students and an angry teacher) – “I don’t think I can ask my friends for help.”
I hope the issues in your life are less dramatic than these examples, Dear Dreamer.  For most of us, the everyday hubbub can occasionally be too much.  Still, consider seeking the support of a good friend or counselor to gain some perspective on the burdens you carry. 
Sweeter Dreams next time!

My Dead Grandma Beckons Me!

Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD,
I dreamed about my grandma who died not long ago.
In the dream, she wants me to come visit her!  She is standing in my office with her arms open wide.  She’s smiling and saying, “Come see me.”
Now on one side, this dream makes me glad, as if I’ve really seen her.  I was her favorite grandchild and she always thought I was the best at everything.  I woke up feeling happy, but also a little concerned. 
Does she want me to join her in death?  I am not ready for that!
Scared of My Own Grandma!

Dear Scared,
You should know that I believe in the afterlife.  So I will never discount the possibility that your doting grandmother paid your dreaming self a visit, or perhaps as likely, that your dreaming self visited her.  In either case, it would have been a sweet and loving visit.  At the end of your visit, she used that Southern custom – instead of saying, “Goodbye,” she says, “Come back.” 
Now, even if you also believe in the afterlife and that straightforward explanation, there’s another angle worthy of consideration in your dream:  Your grandmother didn’t appear in “heaven,” or even in her own house.  She appeared in your office.  This is significant.
Think about the work you do in your office.  Is it going well?  Are you worried about work for some reason?  Are you appreciated there?  If you are, do you recognize it?
The image of your grandmother, the one who loves you and appreciates you the most, beckons you.  She seems to be saying, “Come to my point of view in your office.  You are loved and valued at work.  Try to relax and appreciate yourself.”
It’s worth considering, Dear Dreamer.  Look around at work and see if your grandma’s viewpoint doesn’t improve your perspective there.
Don’t work too hard, and of course, Sweet Dreams!