Monday, November 7, 2011

Crocodile Wrestling

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I haven’t had a dream in many, many years, so it was a surprise to me when I woke up with such a vivid dream after such a long time!

Here it is:  I dreamed there were two horses in a pen with a tiny pond containing an old crocodile.  The horses were reddish with black tails.  They stood a “safe distance” from the crocodile.  The croc was old and supposedly not any danger to the horses.  But he began inching on his belly toward the horses and I jumped in to stop the crocodile.  I grabbed him and held his mouth shut just like those guys on TV.  He started rolling over and over and fighting me.  Then I woke up feeling scared and anxious.  What does this mean to you?


Crocodile Wrestler!

Dear Wrestler,

First let me tell you that research indicates that we all dream every night!  Most likely you’ve been dreaming, but haven’t remembered your dreams.  Too bad!  Looks like you have some good ones!

Consider keeping a notepad and pencil next to your bed.  First thing when you wake up, jot down even the smallest fragment or tiniest detail from a fleeting dream.  Your Dreaming Self will take note of your interest and offer you more and more tantalizing morsels of dreams to enrich your waking life.

Your dream could be offering plays on words as a method of delivering insights.  For example:  The horses (perhaps representing a relationship of some sort ~ they seem to be a matched pair) are in a pen, penned in.  Maybe a couple you know is penned in with “an old croc.”  This is a family newspaper, so I’ll just refer to an expression you may know:  a crock of “stuff,” suggesting something worthless, or lacking credibility. 

To carry out the metaphor, something worthless or lacking credibility threatens a healthy relationship.  The pair is penned in by this; it seems they’re unable to move away from it or leave their containment.  Though they think they’re unaffected by him, keeping a safe distance, you know the situation is dangerous.  The croc looks to injure or sabotage their healthy relationship.

You jump in to stop the croc.  He’s a “big croc (fish) in a tiny pond,” and perhaps because of this, his power is great.  They have no escape from him or the pen. 

You are the protector, trying to stem the influence of the croc, and wind up in danger yourself.  You try to shut him up, keeping his mouth closed, but your dream suggests he is a formidable foe.  He thrashes and fights you.  He may be stronger than you are.

Examine your own relationships, Dear Dreamer.  Do you find yourself hemmed in by a tenacious, negative force?  Does this force have more influence that it deserves?  It may be time to find a gate in that fence and escape to greener pastures.

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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