Monday, August 29, 2011

Still Worried About My Mother

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I fell asleep thinking of my mother who died several years ago.  We had a good relationship, but I can’t help worrying about certain things I said to her and how I might have treated her better.  She died suddenly of a heart attack, so I didn’t get to make up for all the little things I could have done differently.

Anyway, I dreamed of a meal she used to cook for breakfast where we lived back in the south.  The dream just consisted of the meal:  cottage fried potatoes, shredded corned beef, all covered in cream gravy.  (We don’t eat meals like this in California!)

I didn’t actually see my mom in the dream, but just seemed to be standing at the stove and watching her hands as she worked preparing the meal.  I was so happy anticipating this breakfast. 


Missing My Mom 

Dear MMM,
You have a very sweet dream on your hands; and there are at least a couple of ways to look at it. 
In a basic review, your Dreaming Self offers your worried mind consolation in the form of comfort food from your mom.  She’s serving up the very thing your troubled conscience needs.  You are relaxed and secure in the memory called up by this gentle experience.  This is how you can be according to this dream.  It’s a gentle reminder of the loving relationship you had with your mom, not troubled by the details you upset yourself with needlessly.
Some of us might say that your mom’s spirit participated in the formation of your dream.  She offers a favorite meal and a soothing experience to ease your mind.
The fact that you see only a part of your mom is significant.  It’s likely that was true when she was living, and remains true now.  That’s how it goes with parents and children, isn’t it?  We often see our parents only as they relate to us, as though their lives began when we were born.  Your limited view in the dream suggests there are aspects of your mom you’re unaware of, but they don’t affect her continued loving approach to you.
Rest comfortably, Dear Dreamer!
Sweet Dreams!

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