Monday, August 1, 2011

Renegade Vehicle

Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD, 
I dreamed I lost control of my car, and I wasn’t even driving it!  It didn’t even look very much like my current car.  The car in the dream was mine, but it was big and boxy.  It was pretty new, and the same color (silver) as my car; but my car in real life is pretty new and sleek, easy to handle, nice. 
As I walked up to it in the dream, it started by itself, and started to rock back and forth, actually turned around and ran into the car that was parked next to it.  It did pretty extensive damage to both cars.  “Mine” was not drivable!
I was very upset and a guy from work appeared and tried to comfort me.
Renegade Vehicle

Dear Renegade,
In our Western culture, our cars may be metaphors for our very selves!  It’s no wonder you were upset that it was acting so strangely!
A key to your dream will most likely be in making a connection to similar emotions in your waking life.  Is some part of your life out of your control?  Are you behaving outside your normal realm?
Your dream suggests, if your car represents yourself, that by rocking back and forth, you’re trying to get unstuck, making jerky moves to get out of a situation perhaps at work that has you pinned in.
Careful Dear Dreamer!  Your radical, "out of control" actions may hurt you and your position.  You could find yourself unable to move along at all!
Sweet Dreams!

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