Monday, August 29, 2011

I Love Him, But...

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

My boyfriend and I have an on-again, off-again relationship.  We can get along really great; then something always goes wrong.  He lies to me, or cheats on me and we break up.  Then he comes back.  He apologizes and promises he’ll never do it again. 

We’ve been broken up a couple of weeks and he texted me.  I know he wants to get back together again. 

After that I dreamed I saw him walking up the sidewalk toward me.  He was smiling and swinging a gold chain, kind of boogying along.  He was wearing a fancy yellow suit and had a Mohawk haircut all bleached blonde.  Weird!  Not like him at all.  He looked almost like Buddy Love, the skinny guy Professor Klump turns into in the “Nutty Professor,” one of my favorite movies when I was a kid.

What’s this all about?  Should I call him and take him back?


I Love Him, But…

Dear Love Him,
Your brilliant dream is using a favorite movie image to show you this young man’s true colors.
Just think of it:  In “The Nutty Professor,” Buddy Love looks good and is able, for a little while anyway, to hold the attention of Miss Purty (you).  But he’s really such a jerk that she quickly sees he’s not the man for her.
In your dream, your “boyfriend” appears in a flashy disguise, trying to dazzle you (again) into believing he’s someone, and something, he’s not.  You say it yourself:  it’s not like him at all.  You know what’s under the bling – an immature boy who still lies and cheats and thinks he can get away with it and still have you.  Here he comes believing he can fool you again.
Don’t fall for it Dear Dreamer!  You deserve better.
Sweet Dreams!


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