Saturday, August 20, 2011

Picture Comes Alive

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
I dreamed that two of my dearest friends, Barbara and Donna and I were planning a reunion.  Actually, Barbara and I were planning the reunion that all three of us would attend.
There was a big picture on the wall of the room where Barbara and I stood.  Each time I looked back at the picture, it came to life showing an ocean with huge waves, very stormy and frightening.  If I turned away, the picture returned to its static state. 

Sometimes Donna would be in the room with the picture.None of us was saying very much, but if I looked worried about the picture, Barbara would say, “It’ll be okay.”
Worried About the Reunion
Dear Worried,
You dream almost explains itself, doesn’t it? 

Each time you look back to see the big picture in your relationship with Donna, there’s something there that’s stormy, unsettled, and upsetting to you. 

If you look away and don’t think about it, you can accept what Barbara says, that it’ll be okay, even though it doesn’t really comfort you.  You know it’s not okay – it comes back to life, stormy and chaotic.

So, if you are planning a reunion with Barbara and Donna, you should keep in mind those tumultuous events that haven’t resolved themselves.  Unless that’s the point of the reunion…to get together and hash things out? 
Your dream suggests that if you chose to look back, the storm will be there.  Some folks simply choose to look forward and move ahead.  That option exists for you too.  If you attend a reunion, don’t be surprised if you find yourself in the eye of the storm.
Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!

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