Monday, August 15, 2011

Earthquake in a Canyon

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I dreamed last night that my husband and I were hiking in a big, red rock canyon on a bright sunny day.  We were with a party of six or eight people from work.  Then everything started to shake.  I didn’t feel too scared, almost enjoyed the sensation.  I was apart from the main group and called out, “I think it’s an earthquake!” 

As the shaking continued, I remember thinking it was a long quake, maybe two minutes.  I looked up at a spire of rock above me, beautiful orange-red against the clear blue sky.  It began to sway and crumbled, or turned into a brick wall that began to break apart above me.

I ducked and covered my head, but the falling bricks/rocks were deflected somehow and I knew I wouldn’t be hurt.  I smiled at my good fortune.  The others were never in danger of falling objects either.


Lucky, I Guess

Dear Lucky,

You seem lucky indeed!

You didn’t specify whether the “people from work” were from your workplace or your husband’s.  Or maybe you work together?  Most married people do!  In any case, you are traveling with an amiable group of people in a bright and beautiful setting.  All is well.

While your dream indicates you experience a major shakeup in your circumstances, it also seems to suggest that you and the others can continue to feel safe and “even enjoy the ride.”  Whatever the change is, and though it would normally create fear and danger, that’s not the case this time for you, your spouse, or your coworkers!  That’s all good news.  Your dream suggests that all will easily be able to avoid injury and to continue to enjoy the beautiful setting in which you travel together.

More Sweet Dreams to you, Dear Dreamer!


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