Monday, July 25, 2011

What's Up with the Fish?

Dear SMYD,
I hope you can help me understand something about my dreams.  I'm 50 and have had a recurring theme in my dreams since I was a child. It involves fish, usually very beautiful and colorful tropical fish. 
Many times I am saving them or trying to save them, sometimes I am admiring their colors and flowing fins.  This theme isn't disturbing to me at all, unless they are in distress.  But it makes me wonder... what's with the fish?
By the way, I have always loved animals, and I have had a marine aquarium for 20+ years, but the fish theme goes back as long as I can remember.
Thank you very much,
What’s up with the Fish?

Dear What’s Up,
Recurring dreams are so interesting and yours is especially so...a recurring theme, as you put it.

First of all, what a lovely recurring theme to have! These beautiful creatures that you admire could be representative of your very own thoughts and manner of thinking---sort of your underwater, under the surface, self.  The fact that the fish are healthy, colorful, and pleasing is indicative of your state of mind. Lucky you!  Your dream may simply be expressing your pleasures in life at the time of the dream.

Those occasions when you find yourself trying to save the fish may be reflecting times when you're under stress and frightened for yourself.  Your dreaming self shows your anxiety over worries that you haven't quite gotten a hold on.

Making a few notes when you have the dream will be extremely helpful in pinning down its precise significance.  You've had it enough times now that you could probably get by with key words and phrases if you don't have time to write a full-blown description. For example, perhaps just write: fish dream, beautiful, serene, happy.  Or: fish dream, danger, frustration, can't get to them.

Then, the key is to make notes of what's going on in your life at the time of the dream. I feel certain that only two or three examples of the dream and the concurrent events in your life will give you clear insights into the exact connection between the two.

I hope this is helpful.  
Sweet “Fishy” Dreams to you!

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