Monday, July 25, 2011

Arrested for Something I Didn't Do

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
Every so often I dream that I get arrested for something I didn’t do.  It’s very scary and extremely frustrating.  It seems like no matter what I say, I cannot convince the police that I’m innocent!
This week, it seemed like a traffic stop.  But I had to get out of the car and open the trunk.  I couldn’t see what was in the trunk, but it made me look guilty.  I kept trying to tell the officer that I didn’t do it – whatever “it” was!  But he just wouldn’t listen.
So, I must have a guilty conscience, right?
Arrested, but Innocent 

Dear Arrested,
It could be that you have a double whammy in the dream world:  A recurring dream that’s using a pun or a play on words to make a point with you.
First of all, be sure to make a few notes when you have this dream.  As mentioned to “What’s Up with the Fish?” it is extremely helpful in pinning down the significance of a recurring dream when you can connect it with the events of your waking life.  
Most dreamers need only two or three repetitions of the dream to see the concurrent events that trigger it. 
For you, I suggest considering the play on words.  Instead of feeling maligned when you’re innocent, look for something that you haven’t done, but should have done.  Your life may be arrested, stopped, blocked, or held hostage by something you’re not doing, but can and should do to make progress.
Chances are, you already know what to do.  It may even be something you actually want to do, but feel shy or frightened away from trying.  But, you don’t want to look back on your life with wishful thinking and regrets, do you?
Be brave, Dear Dreamer.  Don’t let your life be arrested by something you don’t do!
Sweet Dreams to you!


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