Friday, July 8, 2011

Not Ready for the Test! - Frantic Recurring Dream

Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD,
I know lots of people who have dreams like this one.  Here’s the version that I keep having:
I am back at school.  I forgot that today is test day and I am not ready for this test!  I can’t even remember which classroom I’m supposed to be in!
I run from room to room.  Some are empty.  Others have strangers in them and the teacher seems mad that I have interrupted. 
Sometimes when I have this dream, I’m in my underwear!
I hate the feeling this dream leaves me with --- scared and unprepared!  Why do I keep having it?
Unprepared and Scared
Dear Unprepared and Scared,
You’re right about one thing --- MANY people have some version of this dream!  Interesting, isn’t it, the universal aspect of dreaming?  So many of us express our feelings in a similar way.
Treat this recurring dream as you would any recurring dream.  Make note of it right away and make note of what’s going on in your life right now.  Be sure to consider the personal, the professional, familial areas of your life.  Chances are excellent you’ll discover that you are experiencing stress and a sense of being overwhelmed in at least one area.  Perhaps elements of various areas in your life are converging in their demands on you.
Your dream’s sensation of being frantic, unprepared, and overwhelmed is, unfortunately, common in many of our lives during these hectic times.  We worry that we have forgotten something extremely important (the test date) – “Did I refill that prescription for my ailing mother?” 
We feel unsure where to turn (running from class to class) – “I wish my siblings lived closer so we could share the burden.” 
We look for a friendly, helpful face, but find only strangers who seem unwilling to offer help or comfort (finding unfamiliar students and an angry teacher) – “I don’t think I can ask my friends for help.”
I hope the issues in your life are less dramatic than these examples, Dear Dreamer.  For most of us, the everyday hubbub can occasionally be too much.  Still, consider seeking the support of a good friend or counselor to gain some perspective on the burdens you carry. 
Sweeter Dreams next time!

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