Monday, July 18, 2011

Richard Burton v. Clark Gable

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
I dreamed I had a piece of bread that, in my mind at least, looked like a celebrity – you know, like the tree rings that look like the Virgin Mary.  I was trying to get my old friend Cathy to guess who it was, but I couldn’t remember the celebrity’s name myself.  (I hold a fondness for Cathy from our years together in adolescence.  But our friendship has not stood the test of time.)
We ultimately settled on Richard Burton, but I knew that wasn’t right.  I don’t like Richard Burton, and I knew it wasn’t him.  I knew who it looked like, but could not call up the correct name.  Anyway, we talked about Richard Burton, his life and career, and I went along.
Then, after I woke up, I concentrated and came up with Clark Gable.  I love Clark Gable!  That’s who I was trying to think of in the dream.  That’s who the bread really looked like.

What’s that all about?
Star Struck 

Dear Star Struck,
Twice in your dream, you accept people you don’t really like.  First with your old “friend” Cathy.  You say your friendship hasn’t stood the test of time.  Why?  Was she disloyal?  Did she develop bad habits?  Why are you no longer truly friends?
It will help you understand your dream if you pin down the reasons your Dreaming Self selected Cathy among all others to join you.  She represents a part of your life, or even a part of you,  that you don’t really care for any more, but you keep the relationship (the conversation) alive anyway.
Then, you couldn’t think of Clark Gable in the dream, but accepted Richard Burton knowing it was wrong, and he’s someone you dislike.  The feeling was false, as though you sacrificed yourself just to keep the conversation going.
When you examine your waking life, do these feelings sound familiar?  Are you in a forced relationship, at home, at work, or with family or friends - one where your thoughts or feelings are sublimated even though it’s not satisfying and feels false?
It will also be helpful to spend time thinking about Richard Burton and Clark Gable.  I don’t pretend to know your thoughts, but for the sake of example, perhaps you would don’t like Burton because he is pretentious and self-indulgent.  Does someone or something in your life fit that description?  Are you accepting it, knowing it feels wrong?
Why go along with that?  Why try to keep that conversation going?
In contrast, for example, you might say Clark Gable represents a more solid, wholesome person. 
Your dreams suggests you may feel you’ve accepted one, but feel dissatisfied, recognizing with effort (the concentration you mention) you might find  the other - for your bread – the very staff of your life. 
Soul searching seems called for Dear Dreamer.
Sweet Dreams to you!

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