Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dragging a Coffin

Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD,
I have had this dream several times over the years.  It always worries me.
In this dream I am dragging a coffin around.  It’s my coffin.  Sometimes I’m near a highway and try to hitch a ride.  But even though a driver stops, I can never get a ride because of the coffin.  It scares people away.
This dream bothers me!  Why do I keep having it?
Worried Sick

Dear Worried Sick,
Recurring dreams can give us some true insights into an ongoing issue or concern.  It is helpful to jot the dream down when you wake up along with a narrative, or even just a list, of the things concerning you during your waking life.  It is surprising how quickly a pattern might emerge:  When I’m dealing with “X” I have this same dream!
Dragging a coffin around suggests that you might be carrying or holding onto a part of yourself that is dead, or that you should let die. 
Perhaps it’s an attitude that comes up every time you apply for a new job, or when you have a chance for a new relationship.  It prevents you from catching a ride and making real progress.  You cannot get to that new place as long as you drag along this dead, outdated, defeating part of yourself.
Your dream offers you an excellent opportunity for reflection and growth.  Consider talking with a trusted friend or counselor if you need help gaining objectivity.
Know thyself, Dear Dreamer!
Sweet Dreams!

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