Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dreams of a Rabid Sports Fan & A Rejected Friend

Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD,
I’m a big SF Giants fan, but I have a feeling this dream is not really about their famous closer.  What do you think?
I dreamed that Brian Wilson had shaved his distinctive beard.  I saw only his face, like a floating head in front of me.  His face looked a little pudgy and he had nicked himself in several places. 
He was planning to leave the Giants and go into another completely unrelated line of work.  He said something to the effect that he had been uncomfortable for a while and wanted to move on.  I was surprised, but understood his decision.
A Rabid Fan
Dear Rabid Fan,
Our dreams choose images and people from our lives and use them as metaphors to illustrate and help us understand our own circumstances. 
Your dreaming self chose an extremely distinctive character indeed!  Brian Wilson is well known for his unmistakable appearance (not to mention his scorching fastball!). 
But you’re correct – your dream is more likely to be about you and your life, than about Brian Wilson and his.  A useful approach to a figure like this in a dream is first to think about what kind of person he is and what he stands for.
We could say Brian Wilson is a well-defined figure with a strong skillset.  Are you like that?  Are you well known for a particular thing and that thing only?  Do you love it on the one hand, while feeling restless or uncomfortable with it on the other hand?
For Wilson to change his trademark look could signify a major change for you, Dear Dreamer.  Have you made a big adjustment in your life, your very identity, or are you considering one?  Have you been feeling uncomfortable for a while, even though you do something very well and are even known for it?  Are you thinking of making a key shift in your life’s work or your mode of operating?
As in your dream, the new you would seem different from the person you’re known to be.  Some people (even you!) might be surprised by the change, but they would understand and respect it. 
Moving on requires parting with what’s familiar and customary, leaving some habits behind.  Those might be things that are expected by others, but no longer satisfying for you.  Your dream suggests you’ve made your decision on some level. 
Be true to yourself, Dear Dreamer!  Oh, and Go Giants!
Our Dreamer Writes:
Dear SMYD,
I dreamed I was trying to hug my friend Elaine (not her real name), but she didn’t want to hug me.  She turned her head, made a face, and pushed me away.  I tried again, but no use. 
I’ve known her a long time and we’ve hugged many times.  Why would she turn away like that?
Rejected in Schenectady
Dear Rejected,
Could it be that you’re trying to be something you’re not?
Think about Elaine.  What qualities does she have that you might be trying to embrace?  Realistically, you can only be yourself.  When you try too hard to be like someone else, or to get too close to someone else, you run the risk of putting him or her off.  This can put a frown on an otherwise friendly relationship.
What is the benefit of becoming more like Elaine?  Must you discount yourself to achieve your goal?  If so, you lose more than you gain in the process.
Consider backing away just a little from Elaine, or from whatever/whomever you might be pursuing.  Gain some perspective and perhaps you will see a better method of approaching your friend, or developing the quality you so desire.  Work to recognize your own desirable traits and strongest talents. 
Be a friend to yourself, Dear Dreamer!

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