Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Working on a Perfect House

Our Dreamer writes:

Dear SMYD,

In my dream I am working on a house that is in almost perfect condition.  My brother is helping me.  We seem to be tinkering around the edges, maybe even creating work where no work really needs to be done, fixing things that don’t need fixing.

The police come and make us leave.  We wade into a creek and go upstream.

What could it mean?

Signed:  Confused

Dear Confused,

Is there something you are avoiding?

Many times our dreams will create a scenario to explain something to us that we are denying to be true.

Your dream suggests that you’re working on something that doesn’t need any more work.  Do you have a project ready to hand in, or call finished, that you just don’t want to let go of?  Your dream says you are making work, or making excuses not to be done!  Does that sound familiar?

The police, an internal voice of authority, are telling you to move on.  But when you do, you go upstream, the hard way.  Why do you avoid “going with the flow?”

Think about your brother.  If you were to describe him to someone who doesn’t know him, would you say he’s a person who doesn’t want to take a step in a new direction?  He could be representing a part of you that, in the same way, finds excuses for not trying something new.

Taking a step in a new direction does mean leaving your comfort zone, after all.  Your dream suggests you’re ready for a new challenge since the one you’ve been working all is all but perfectly complete.  You can leave it now in good conscience and embark on a new adventure, if you will.

Consider your options, Dear Dreamer! 

Sweet Dreams!


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