Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why Would We Go Back?

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I dreamed that my son and I were standing in our dining room.  The room was returned to its original state when we first bought the house, before our beautiful remodel was completed.  The room was poorly lit and unimproved.  I gestured to the floor and said to my son, “Don’t you remember all the work your dad and I did on this house?  We redid all the floors and everything!” 


Why Would We Go Back?

Dear Why Would We,

I don’t think your dream is about the remodeling of your dining room. 

Since you and your son are there, it’s more likely your dream is expressing your dismay at a change in him, probably a regression to the way things were before with him. 

Has he reverted to a previously unacceptable way of doing things?  You don’t mention his age, so this could be anything from leaving a mess in his room to staying out past curfew, or worse.

In your dream you seem to be saying, “Hey, we covered this already.  We improved this place from the floors up.  You were doing so well.  Why have we returned to the unenlightened (“poorly lit”) and unimproved way things were?”

That’s what kids do, by the way.  There is the rare one who hears an admonition and immediately takes it to heart, never making the same mistake twice.  More often though, the ground has to be covered multiple times from several angles.

Don’t be too frustrated.  The light will go on.  He’ll grow up.  They always do!

Sweet Dreams!


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