Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bad wig can't disguise dreamer's thoughts

One effective strategy for getting at a dream’s meaning is to begin with its most compelling element.  This could be your dream’s most colorful component, its most frightening situation, its most pleasing object, or as in today’s dream, the feature hardest to control!

Dear Carolyn,

I dreamed I couldn’t control my eyelashes.  They were going in every direction and kind of wild.  I kept putting more and more mascara on them trying to get them under control and normal looking.  But they looked ridiculous.  I wound up putting on some sort of wig in hopes that my eyelashes would somehow blend in better with it.  This seemed to work because it distracted people’s attention from my eyelashes.  People were fooled into believing that this was a normal and acceptable appearance.  But I knew it was fantastic.  I went around my neighborhood looking and feeling ridiculous, but pretending everything was OK.  I knew any minute I would be found out.


Ridiculous Disguise

Dear Disguised,

Your dream speaks about your struggle to appear normal when you’re feeling anything but normal.  Since you haven’t offered the context from your waking life, we will consider two possibilities:  Either you are experiencing a difficult time because your outlook is radically out of sync with those around you (in your neighborhood) with whom you’re normally comfortable.  Or, you’ve somehow landed in a circumstance that is contrary to your typical comfort zone and you feel you must disguise your real self to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

Since in effect, eyelashes grow out of your eyes, they could be said to stand for your outlook.  So it’s important to reflect on whether it is your outlook that is causing you distress. 

We don’t have to stretch too far to consider that the way you are seeing things is troubling you.  Therefore, you’re trying to bring your viewpoints under control with more and more mascara.  But make no mistake; it is an effort that taxes your peace of mind and your ability to relax in your everyday circumstances.  If that’s the case, a counselor or trusted friend may be able to help you talk through the unruly thoughts that you’re wrestling with. 

Similarly, in dreams a person’s hair may be a metaphor for her thoughts – hair flows from her head – her brain – just as thoughts do.  In your dream, you wear a wig, false hair, in effect covering your thoughts.  You do this to distract those around you from the uncontrollable point of view that is troubling you.
We all take steps to be courteous when we’re in polite company.  We don’t necessarily share our views or opinions when doing so could destroy the mood of a conversation.  But your dream suggests you’re in a struggle with powerful upsetting views and thinking, or you’re trying to blend with people in a situation that is inappropriate for you.

In either case, your dream emphasizes your extreme discomfort.  It’s time to make some changes, Dear Dreamer. 

Sweet Dreams to You!

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