Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Your Dream says, "Go For It!"

Dearest Dreamers,

April 1, 2012, is the last day for Early Bird registration at the International Association for the Study of Dreams, June 22-26th, at the Doubletree Hotel in Berkeley.

This year's conference promises workshops, panels, symposia, and special events featuring three world-renowned keynote presenters.  I hope to see you there!  www.asdreams.org

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I recommended a friend of mine, “Barry,” for an important job and he got it.  But he’s messing up in his new position.  He seems ineffectual and his credibility has dropped.  He may not be able to get back on track.  It’s humiliating for him and for me since I vouched for him.  Now, because of his mistakes, I feel intimidated to apply for the promotion I was counting on!

Last night I dreamed Barry was struggling in front of a classroom and I was there to help him.  I was able to help him by prompting him as he spoke, encouraging him to go on, feeding him information.  My credibility went up I think, while his went down.

I moved him to the side so he could regain his composure.  He seemed weak.  We sat side by side on a bench and he turned to me and tried to kiss me.  It was going to be a passionate kiss, a gush of appreciation and emotion.  It was a complete surprise to me.  I turned away.

I have always liked and admired Barry, or I wouldn’t have recommended him for the job.  But the idea of kissing him is out of the question!

What’s this dream about?


Barry’s Friend

Dear Friend,

Barry is a well-liked figure for you.  You admire him enough to have put yourself on the line to bolster his career.  He symbolizes the hope you have for your own advancement.  Unfortunately, he’s floundering in the new job, and may be unable to recover.  Instead of making himself and you proud, he lacks credibility and is ineffectual, the very things that may scare you about moving up.

A classroom is a public place of learning.  In that setting, Barry falters, just like at your workplace, in front of everyone.  But he needs your help!  And, your Dreaming Self assures you that you are able to help him.  You do so without hesitation, with confidence, with credibility, and with success. 

When you move him out of the spotlight, he tries to kiss you, inappropriately.  This suggests that behind the scenes, subconsciously, the weak, insecure part of yourself is trying to connect with the stronger, more confident you.  You turn away from that connection.  It’s inappropriate!  It’s not you!

Perhaps you have a fearful thought in the back of your mind that says “You will fail like Barry.”  It’s another reason your Dreaming Self chose him, I’m certain.  Nevertheless, Dear Dreamer, follow your dream’s advice:  Don’t make that passionate connection with this weaker part of yourself, the part with low self-esteem that sabotages your aspirations and efforts.

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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