Monday, March 12, 2012

Take Care of Your Baby!

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

“Joe” is not my favorite person.  We worked together for a couple of years and I found him to be untrustworthy.  More than once I discovered that when he said he was completing his side of the project we were assigned to, he just wasn’t doing his part.  I was glad when he left the company.  Why he, of all people, would appear in my dream, I do not understand!  Here it is:

I dreamed I was babysitting for Joe.  He left me with his infant son, and soon I left the baby alone!  I returned and the baby was fine.  Nothing bad happened.  But Joe found out and sat me down to make it clear that this was not OK.  I disliked having Joe tell me what to do, but I had to agree not to do it again.

Then, the very next time he left me with the baby, I did the same thing!  This time, while I was away, I suddenly became fearful that something would go wrong.  I raced back toward the baby, and to my relief, found him alive.  But it looked like he was decaying.  His skin was blotchy and I had to work to revive him.  I was relieved he survived, no thanks to my neglect!  I escaped without killing the baby, but I knew I would not continue to be so lucky.

What in the world could this be about?


Neglecting Joe’s Baby

Dear Neglecting,

I hate to tell you this, but you asked for it!  Your dream seems to be suggesting that in some way, in your waking life, you are behaving just like your least favorite person, Joe!

Examine your waking life, Dear Dreamer.  What pet project are you working on that you would call “your baby?”  Do some soul searching.  Do you give that project your full and proper attention?  Or are you careless and inattentive?  Are you really making progress on that project?  Or are you fooling yourself, telling yourself (like Joe would) that it’s moving along when by objective assessment, it isn’t?  Are you misleading others as well?  Maybe by telling little white lies when you’re asked how it’s going.  Do you often have to apologize and promise to do better next time?    

Your dream suggests that as Joe did when you worked together, you are neglecting something that will wither and die when left alone.  Be honest with yourself, Dear Dreamer:  Have you professed to be caring for or nurturing an aspect of your life that you’re actually ignoring, or treating carelessly?  

You don’t like it in your dream when irresponsible Joe gets to be the boss.  You’ll like it even less if you let his mode of operating take over in your waking life.  It’s on you to be reliable and dependable.  Let your actions match your words.  It’s not too late to revive your “baby.”  But you won’t be lucky forever.  It will not thrive with repeated neglect.

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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