Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Quit drinking ~ THEN hit rock bottom!

Look to the emotions that come with your dreams for insights into the “take away” message they offer.  Be sure to stay with your dream long enough to recognize all the feelings it highlights.  Consider today’s example:

Dear SMYD,

It wasn’t hitting rock bottom exactly, but I had a big scare at work that finally made me change my ways.  I’ve been working for many years in a professional setting doing work that I love.  I’ve had a great reputation.  I’m very good at what I do!  But, while I never admitted it out loud, I knew that my drinking was beginning to affect my performance.  I guess I was hung over more often than I’d like to admit and I started to forget things and make mistakes in critical situations.  I began to have conflicts with my peers and even my boss!  After a poor performance review threatening demotion and even dismissal, I checked myself into rehab.

Now I am a sober person physically and psychologically.  I feel certain that I can and will remain on the straight and narrow.  But now I’ve had this terrible dream:

In the follow up meeting after the first bad review, I’m told that I am to be demoted and my salary cut in half!  I feel desperate and panicky.  I begin to scramble, running out scenarios as to how I can survive under these circumstances.  I consider everything from getting a second job to selling my furniture and my house.  I calculate my finances repeatedly, finally seeing that I can eke out a living.  As everything settles into place, I wake up with a sense of relief.

Scared of the Bottom

Dear Scared,

If we step back and look at your dream from the “big picture” perspective, it contains very good news:  When faced with dire consequences of your poor performance review, you ran out multiple scenarios, none of which included taking a drink to relieve your stress.  Instead, you took a hard look at what you were faced with, assessed the facts, and thought through the possibilities that lay before you.  In fact, Dear Dreamer, you could say that you had a sober look at your circumstances. 

Now consider the emotions of your dream:  Given a stunning reduction in your means, you felt extreme emotional distress: panic and desperation.  But you turned only to your assets to determine how you would proceed.  That is a powerful metaphor for your new, sober mode of dealing with stress!  You must take pride and comfort in this!

And, just as important, you woke up with a sense of relief.  Relief that you could survive even if dealt some harsh news.  This also reflects the strength of your new resolve. 

You have done remarkable work to change your life Dear Dreamer!  While initially unsettling, your dream in fact offers assurances that you can do whatever you need to do without even thinking of going back to the downward path!  So very good for you!

Sweet Dreams to You!


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