Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lost the babies!?!

Our dreams will sometimes play out an emotion or pattern of thinking we haven’t acknowledged on the waking level.  These dreams can be anxiety-laden and will recur if we push them out of consciousness because of our fears.  Today’s dream offers a perfect example of this.

Dear SMYD,

My wife and I have been happily married for almost five years.  The only thing missing in our marriage is children.  I’ve always wanted to be a dad! 

We tried to get pregnant for so long, we were beginning to think we’d have to go to extraordinary measures to have a child.  But as I’ve learned these things sometimes go, just as we made the first appointment with a fertility specialist, Bingo! my wife became pregnant!  

What a great, long-overdue surprise.  But that’s not all:  We’re having triplets!  No outside help!  They’re going to arrive in about six weeks and now I’ve had this scary dream:

I am in Target with our new babies.  I have them to myself.  My wife is not around.  It doesn’t seem like I even look away, but somehow, the babies are gone.  Missing!  I search frantically for them, find them; and they’re happy and fine.  And then they are missing again!  The dream just seems to repeat this same sequence, each time I am relieved, proud to be a dad, and then scared to death and filled with panic when the babies disappear!

I’ve been the protector and caretaker during this entire stressful process and now I’ve had this dream that has me being so careless!  I somehow lose our babies.  Please, say it ain’t so!


Lost the Babies!

Dear Lost,

Put your mind to rest, Dear Dreamer!  It ain’t so!  You are not going to lose your babies in Target!  Your dream is simply playing out that subterranean part of yourself that’s understandably afraid of not being a perfect father. 

Think of it – with this pregnancy, everything in your life has fallen into place.  It’s all on target, you might say.  The only thing you’ve yearned for is now yours.

Every new parent is worried about how they will do in the most demanding and important role of all.  And, you have the unexpected blessing/surprise that not just one new baby is on the way, but three!  It’s really no wonder that both you and your wife would be anxious about that!

On top of the normal stress of impending fatherhood, you’ve been keeping a stiff upper lip for your wife, not allowing your fears to show and add to hers.  But you might as well acknowledge it, Dear Dreamer.  You’re normal and it’s normal to be worried about losing your babies in a discount store!  Or misplacing them at the mall.  Or forgetting them in the car. 

Your dream simply tells you that you’ll make mistakes, but barring true negligence, which is not in your nature, you’ll find your babies to be happy and fine.

You’ll be a great dad, Dear Dreamer!  Sweet Dreams to You!


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