Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fire breathing dragon consumes dreamer

Out of this world action and a play on words highlight today’s dream, offering insights for a young dreamer struggling with growing up and separating from his family.

Dear SMYD,

This qualifies as the weirdest dream I’ve ever had!

It was New Year’s Eve.  I was spending time with family in Las Vegas like we always do.  Then I told them that I have to get back to my place in LA.  

When I was in LA, it was still as bright as noon even though it was 1am.  Everyone looked up in the sky and was wondering why it was so bright.  It was because of this massive spacecraft!  

I was trying to leave the center of downtown LA, but for some reason it felt enchanted and I was unable to do so.  The spacecraft hovered around and the whole city turned dark.  It landed right on the sidewall of a huge building and showed its real form.  It was a dragon!  

It turned its head toward my direction and breathed out fire.  I just closed my eyes as I was being engulfed by the flames.  Then I woke up.  Scary!

Wonder what it means. 

Scared by a Dragon

Dear Scared,

Your dream has many elements that offer clues to its significance for you.  As a start, your dream is set on New Year’s Eve, a time of resolutions and new beginnings; a time for reviewing the past and looking to the future.  In your dream, this is when you seem to be restless and make an unexpected break from your family.  You tell them you’re leaving the tradition of spending time in the way you always have.  You are going to your own home in LA.

You probably recognize the break with tradition you’ve made, at least mentally if not physically.  You've broken away from the routine.  Maybe you've had a change of heart or disagreement with them on some point.  Even though this is the normal order of things, for a young man to strike out on his own, this causes upset and discomfort for your family and for you.  Whatever it is, it’s as plain as day as shown by the bright daytime light in the middle of the night.  It’s obvious, and cannot be denied.

Your dream depicts the change as something "off the wall," ~ something odd or unusual ~ something unexpected (from outer space), nothing that you would expect to be doing or thinking or involved in, yet there it is.  It turns toward you and gives you a baptism by fire.  You are a changed man!

The scary thing for you is the idea that the new way of thinking, or the change of opinion will consume you, or burn you up, change your life so you cannot go back.  But you cannot un-ring the bell, Dear Dreamer.  You’ve made the move to be your own man, now go on and live your own life.

Sweet Dreams to You!


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