Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get rid of that rat!

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I can't remember not making images.  As a child, I read voraciously, but found it easier to express myself through drawing and painting than by writing.  When I sketch and paint, I feel at "home."  Painting connects me with myself. 
Yet, throughout my life, I’ve put off this powerful desire to paint in favor of pleasing others and following instead what they said would be good for me, or what I “should” do.  As I gracefully age, I realize it is essential to embrace what is mine to do.  And, I'm clear now that creating art is mine to do.  I think I’m ready for a big change – to do what I’ve always wanted to do – be an artist!

I rarely remember my dreams, so why, when I’m teetering on the brink of an important life event, would I have this dream about a rat, the one creature I have always abhorred!  Rats just gross me out and give me the shivers. 
In my dream I’m in a basement room and I see a rat there, looking at me.  But instead of shrieking or running as I’ve done in the past, I do the unimaginable - I pick him up and toss him out the window!  It was so much easier than I thought it would be!  He was gone out the window and I did it!  I was very proud and happy with myself for doing it!


An Artist with a Rat


Dear Artist,

You will appreciate that our dreams speak to us in ways similar to the way art speaks to us – through metaphors, puns and plays on words!  So, on one level your dream suggests you’ve rid yourself of a nasty companion.  You used to be timid and would run from him, but no more.  Hooray.  But that explanation alone is unsatisfactory.

To get to a deeper understanding of your dream, brainstorm the ways to think of a rat beyond his status as a disgusting and scary rodent (although that is a starting point).  But, he’s not just an unwelcome houseguest!  Given the context you offered, consider the metaphor of a rat as one who betrays another.  In your waking life, you tell us you have betrayed your own true self by setting that artistic self aside and sublimating your deepest desire.  You’ve been a rat to yourself!

Now, you say you “think” you’re ready to make a life change and go for your goals.  On any such journey of transformation, we each must face our internal rats.  Happily, in thinking about life changes and wanting to pursue your dream of being an artist, your dream suggests that you recognize that part of yourself that can be a rat...that can betray you and hold you back.  When you take the rat and toss it, you felt good, strong, empowered!  Good for you Dear Dreamer!  It speaks to how you will feel when you're true to yourself!

Sweet Dreams to You!


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