Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dreamer's grandma still knows best

Dreams of a loved one who has passed away can be especially powerful.  All the memories and emotions associated with that person emerge.  Many feel that these are actual communications from the departed.  But even for those who do not accept that explanation, such dreams can offer important insights for the dreamer.

Dear Carolyn,

My grandmother and I became very close after both my parents died when I was still a young woman.  We could talk about everything!  This was a wonderful discovery for me since I didn’t really know her that well before because we lived in different states across the country.  At that time in my life it was amazing to talk with her about men!  I had several failed relationships and she had experience I never knew about.  (Up until then I only knew “grandma stuff” about her.)  She gave me some great advice that has stuck with me all these years.

Now, she has been gone many years and I am at a very different point in my life.  This week I had an extremely poignant dream about her.  In it, I am kneeling in front of her and I am so happy to see her!  She takes my face in her hands and looks at me with such love.  We both are teary-eyed.  But then, just as she is about to tell me something important, the dream ends.

I felt so glad to have had this experience – it wasn’t like other dreams.  It seemed like I was really with her!  I was sad to wake up and especially sad that I didn’t get to hear what she had to say!


Missing Grandma’s Advice

Dear Missing,

A Freudian approach to your dream would suggest that your yearning for your grandmother produced a dream about her, and dismiss it as that.  At the other end of the spectrum are those who would say that this is without a doubt a visit from beyond the grave.

The distinction may be less important than the application of the dream’s content to your waking life. 

One of the most important things you have retained from your days with your grandmother was learning about her life’s experience and the advice she offered to you in what seems to have been a tumultuous time in your life.  You do not give too many details, but perhaps there is something in your life now that could use a bit of Grandma’s wisdom.  Chances are good that if you review key relationships you have now, at home, at work and in the community, there is a place where her kind of wisdom applies. 

You mention that your grandmother surprised you with her knowledge and understanding of romantic relationships.  That’s a good place to start.  Did she offer you a cardinal rule?  Even though she didn’t speak it in the dream before you woke, chances are good that she would say that rule still applies today.

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!

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