Friday, November 22, 2013

Vehicles in our dreams often speak to our modes of operating or negotiating the obstacles we encounter in life.  If the wheels are flat or damaged our ability to move through difficult times is compromised.  The bicycle in today’s dream is a good example:

Dear SMYD,

Years ago I worked with a young man whom I’ll call “Steven.”  He was smart and handsome and had a big heart.  But he seemed to have a hole inside that he couldn’t fill.  He wanted to be loved, but never seemed to understand that he was loved and even admired by his peers.  My heart ached for him!

I’ve had a big emotional blow recently, and now I have dreamed about Steven.  Seeing him again, even in a dream, got me feeling worried like I did back when I was trying to help him see that his glass was half full, and that everything would ultimately be OK.

In the dream, Steven came to me asking if I would buy his bicycle.  He didn’t really want to sell it, but he needed the money.  I didn’t need a bicycle, but I gave him $50 for it as a charity.  I stored the bike in a beautiful, well-appointed area, but the public had access to it, and someone damaged it.  When Steven came back wanting to buy his bicycle, its front wheel was bent and warped and had no tire. 

I felt bad but defended my actions saying after all, the bike was mine.  Only then did I realize that a better way to have helped Steven would have been to buy the bike and then ask him to keep it for me.  That way he could have the money he needed and his bike in good condition.  And I could feel strong and smart and magnanimous for helping him on his way. 

Then, the most amazing thing happened:  The dream replayed with this alternate ending!  Isn’t that the happiest ending ever!


Do Over

Dear Do Over,

It appears that you were a counselor of some sort when you knew Steven.  You could see all the solid and empowering qualities he embodied, even if he couldn’t see them.  Your task and goal was to help him and support him as he found his way to equilibrium.

Now, your task is to help yourself in a similar way.  But, having experienced an emotional blow that has you feeling weakened and needy like Steven, your dream shows you giving yourself what might be considered half  ($50 – only 50%) of the same support that you need.

The bicycle in your dream suggests your balance is clearly compromised because of the shock you have been dealt.  You must be wobbling, reeling from the blow.

Like Steven, you may not recognize that you too are smart, handsome and have a big heart.  Give yourself 100% of the self-love and self-confidence you deserve.  When you accept it, you will be able to cruise past this setback with ease.

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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