Thursday, September 5, 2013

A bite out of dreamer's credit/credibility

Our dreams often provide multiple insights into our waking lives and states of mind.  For example, if your dream shows you a flat tire, it’s a good idea to check the tires on your car.  You’ll also want to consider a more symbolic meaning, perhaps that you’ve “gone flat” in your attitude, or your ability to move forward is impeded – you’re limping along.  Today’s dreamer brings a good example for our consideration:

Dear Carolyn,

I guess you could say I’ve hit a rough spell in my life.  First, I got laid off and had a hard time finding a new job.  After months of unemployment, and just when I was getting scared about spending my last dime, I got a great job.  I felt good until I made a stupid mistake at work. Now I think my new boss must be wondering why he hired me.  Instead of making him money, I’ve cost him money.  Now I’m keeping my head low.

So, I kind of get this dream, but I’d like to hear your take on it:  I saw my Visa card just floating in the air in front of me.  That’s all there was to it; nothing else except the card.  It was big, almost poster-sized, and maybe an inch thick.  I’m not sure what it was made of, but it had a big chunk off the corner, almost like a big bite out of it.  As it floated it turned and I had to duck to keep from being hit by it.  I remember feeling embarrassed when it bumped me.


Shaky Credit


Dear Shaky,

Your one-image dream is a brief, but beautiful example of the depth of meaning than can be portrayed by a picture.  A credit card can be just that – a handy object used to allow us to purchase when we don’t have cash on hand.  It also can symbolize our standing as a trusted individual, one who has shown himself to be dependable in his promise to may later for a purchase today.

You mentioned that you were almost down to your last dime, Dear Dreamer.  Did you miss a payment or two, or send one in late?  Your dream suggests that your credit standing is damaged – a clear message to exercise caution where your credit is concerned.  Don’t allow yourself to get eaten up with high interest rates and burdensome bills.

In addition, the floating specter of a damaged credit card might be speaking to that awkward situation you mention at your new job:  Your credibility may have a bite taken out of it as well.  This is the kind of thing you must live down.  It takes time, patience and confidence.  Your new boss believed in you when he hired you.  One false step shouldn’t destroy everything.

It’s hard not to feel embarrassed.  You wanted to show your best self, but a gaffe has shaken your confidence.  Hold your head up, Dear Dreamer.  Otherwise, you could find yourself trying too hard and get bumped again.

Sweet Dreams to You!

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