Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Grandma scared me!

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

My maternal grandmother died a few years ago; I was close to her.  My husband was always a favorite with my grandmother.  He made her laugh as he's quite the extrovert, as was she.  She was a very social person.  My husband is too and she loved him for it.

I had a vivid dream of my grandmother visiting me.  In the dream my husband walked in through the door that leads from our back yard to the family room and showed her through the door.  She was smiling.  He had a smile on his face and I'm sure he said, “Look who's here!”  When I saw her, I was in shock - I knew in my dream she was dead, so I was scared.  Then she fell over backwards and died!!  As soon as she fell over backwards, dead again, I woke up in a frightened state.  I was in shock at seeing her and breathing as though in a panic attack!  

The reason I'm trying to find answers to this dream is that it was so real.  She came in smiling and then fell over backwards and died.  In my dream, I knew she had died years ago, but I woke up as if I'd had a nightmare.

I'm really scared about the meaning of this dream - can you please help interpret this??


My Grandmother Scared Me


Dear Scared,

Many dreamers report visits from beloved relatives who have passed on.  Frequently, these dreams have a powerful essence of reality, like yours.  Some say that in dream state, we are able to communicate with spirits on many planes.  And of course, your dream can also be understood by looking at the key players and how their traits and actions relate to you.

It seems unlikely that your grandmother would deliberately scare you in your waking life or in your dreams.  After all, as you said, you had a close relationship.

More likely, your dream is drawing your attention to the quality that is trying to come in from your background (through the back door).  It’s the characteristic that your grandmother and your husband share – that outgoing, social attribute that perhaps you shy away from.  Maybe there’s an opportunity in your waking life that calls upon you to be more like your grandmother, to be more outgoing and social, to show your sense of humor.  Your grandmother and husband encourage you to blossom in this way.

Your fear of her in your dream most likely showed your fear of taking on her (and your husband’s) easy social manner.  You are being asked to welcome this trait into your living space.  When she died again, your greater fear was evident:  What will happen if you don’t come out of your shell, Dear Dreamer?  It would be a step backward reflected by your grandmother’s backward fall. 

Can you imagine what your grandmother’s advice to you would be?  Follow it!

Sweet Dreams to You!


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