Wednesday, January 16, 2013

If you must kill, do it in your dreams!

Dear SMYD,
Oddly I'd only commented to my wife last night that I hadn't killed anyone in my dreams for a while.   
As if a message was registered in my brain, there I was hiding under a table with a sword.
A man walks past me and I run the sword into his chest, up to the handle, protruding the blade out the back of his spine.  I watch his dying breath and remove the weapon.
Knowing there are more men on the floor above me, I put my victim into the elevator and send the body up to them as a warning along with a small monkey to operate the buttons.
As the bell pings and the doors open the others are met by a bloodied corpse with a primate sitting on him.
The last part of my dream involved me pulling up outside a shop in a VW camper van with my mum.  She stayed in the van while I played a fruit machine that was in the shop window, using hessian dollar bills as cash.
I put one in and there suddenly appeared a hand written note in my handwriting saying, 'Out of order'.  
Oh no!  A Killer Again!
Dear Killer,
One of the beauties of dreams is that we know they speak in metaphors! 
You say that you haven’t killed anyone in your dreams for a while indicating that this is a recurring dream.  Or at least its theme of killing someone is.  As with many recurring dreams, the setting or even characters may change, but the essential actions repeat themselves.
One of the best ways to get insight into a recurring dream is to make a note of it when you have it.  You won't need to write it out in detail unless you want to.  Just make a note like, "dreamed of killing the man again, this time with more upstairs."
Then ~ and this is key ~ make another note of what's going on in your waking life in the days preceding the dream.  Chances are excellent that the dream recurs when certain circumstances or trains of thought are prevailing in your waking life.  For example, does it always come on high stress days?  You'll only need to make notes like this two or three times before the connection presents itself to you!
Without more conversation with you some general observations might help:  Given that you’re under a table as well as on a lower floor, consider the idea that you’re killing a subconscious pattern of thinking or habit –suggested by the monkey on the dead man’s back.  The pattern or habit is persistent; therefore you must suppress it repeatedly, in recurring dreamwork, and issue the warning that this habit must not rise to the surface. 
Hessian money (used to pay mercenaries) is “out of order” indicating you must do the work of beating a bad habit yourself Dear Dreamer!
Sweet Dreams to You!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the interpretation of my dream, all I would say is pop onto my blog & have a look at some of my other dreams to get a better picture of my brain when its asleep.
