Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dream Advice May Not Be Good News

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I met a girl a few months ago and we fell much in love.  I believe she is my soul mate and she agrees.  But she's been stressed due to family, school finals and work related issues; so I've been giving her space, mainly because she isn't returning my phone calls until a day or two later, and texting me that she would call me and not doing it.  

Anyway, here’s the dream:

It takes place in my best friend’s neighborhood.  (He's extremely wise and the first person I talk to whenever I run into relationship issues.  He gives great advice and always seems to help me through all of my problems.  But I haven't told him about this girl because she used to be with a guy that is close friend of his.)  I’m walking down his NYC street when I spot the girl.  She looks more beautiful than I've ever seen her look before.  She's dolled up with a new hairstyle, perfect makeup job and she's glowing, although, in her right arm is a bunch of items, the one standing out the most is a cheap low quality white bubble coat so dirty it’s turning brown.

I approach her calmly and say, “Hey, come here."  She grows angry and pushes me away.  I reach out for her arm aggressively and pull her in so she can listen to me.  She yanks her arm from me.  I try again to contain her but she pushes me away again and again.  Then everything in her arms falls to the ground; I push her up against this short steel fence, wrap my arms around her and hold onto the fence so she is completely locked in facing me.  I look her in the eyes.  At this point she hugs me with such intensity and love that I begin weeping vigorously.  As she holds onto me I slowly begin to sink into her body as if she was quick sand.  I feel love and oneness with a human more powerful than anything I've ever felt in my life.  

Thanks, Peace & Love Always


Soul Mate in Waiting 

Dear Soul Mate,

The setting of your dream holds a key to its meaning for you:  When you’re in the mindset (the neighborhood) of the person whose guidance you trust most, you get a glimpse of the advice he might offer you about this “relationship issue.”  While this girl looks beautiful, she carries the trappings of a less attractive self - the worn and soiled low quality coat.  By your own description you must hold her aggressively, pin her to a fence and force her to look at you.  Only then does she hug you, Dear Dreamer. 

As much as you long for a deep loving connection, you dream suggests this relationship is one-sided, at best.  Proceed with caution!  Forcing a feeling could lead to heartbreak.  Confide in your friend, Dear Dreamer.  He won’t steer you wrong.

Sweet Dreams to You!

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