Monday, December 31, 2012

Ethereal connection or wish fulfillment?

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

Hi!  I came across your site this morning and I just have to tell you this story!

Fifteen years ago I got married for the 2nd time and that night I dreamt of a man (not my husband).  We were standing in a beautiful garden and it was light at night.  I was holding a silver tray and this man came to me and said in such a gentle voice, "My wife let me carry this tray."  

And in my dream we had some sort of function at our home that night in this beautiful garden.  The clothing that we wore showed in my dream that it could have been around the 1800’s.  Even the tray was a tray from that time period.  And there was wealth around us in the dream.  I also felt so happy and content and there was such a bond between us that when I woke up the next day I still could feel this strong bond.

At the time I definitely didn’t know this man in reality.  But exactly 15 years later we moved into a new home and who moves in next door... the man who I saw in my dream 15 years earlier!  Same hands, same voice, same build and height.  He even has the same face and eyes. 

Can you shed any light on this for me?  I’d appreciate it more than you will ever know.  Thanks for your time!  


Met the Mysterious Stranger!


Dear Met,

Accounts of dreamers throughout history include dreams such as yours that seem to speak to something ethereal:  A beautiful garden that is light even in nighttime.  Wealth, whether spiritual or material.  A super sort of being or person who soothes and comforts by his or her presence.  And a connection or bond to all this, infusing it all with a heavenly quality.  Many documented dreams appear to defy the bounds of time and space.

The dream from your wedding night had a just such a powerful impact!  Those experiences of another time and magical place left you with a lasting and peaceful state of mind.  The bond you awoke with kept your dream’s ambience alive for many years.  Some would say that your dream is indicative of making a connection with a kindred spirit, a protective companion on another level. 

Indeed, your dream has the hallmarks of contact with a caring spirit or companion.  Since you offer few details of your current circumstances, the appearance now of a man so closely resembling the “man of your dreams” has me wondering.  Are you presently in a position to be yearning for such comfort and companionship?  If so, it would be easy to point to this dream as justification for changes you might otherwise not make.  If you’re secure in your relationship with your husband, consider the appearance of your dream’s guardian angel as comfort and encouragement in your new home.

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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