Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weeping When I Woke

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,

I need help about a dream.  First you should know I live alone and normally have an active lifestyle.  But I have had an illness and an injury keep me on the sidelines lately.  Having to sit at home got me into a “down” state of mind.  It’s been hard for me to force myself up and out again after this setback even though I’m back to normal physically.

Last night I dreamed about a group of small children, 8 or 9 years old.  One boy broke loose from the group, ran to me and gave me a hug.  I could see him so clearly.  He had red hair and wore a pale blue sweater.  It was my son Don who died 10 years ago.  I could actually feel that hug!  That’s all there is to the dream, but I woke up crying and I’m still feeling very weepy.  I know this dream was a message from my son!  My first thought was he wanted me to know he loved me, and I should take better care of myself and be happy.  

Maybe you can give me some insight into the meaning of this dream that left me feeling so emotional when I woke up from it.


Weeping When I Woke

Dear Weeping,

I’m so sorry you lost your son.  It’s easy to understand why his appearance in your dream brought such profound emotions.

There are two approaches to your dream.  First is the one you’ve already taken when you say, “I know this dream was a message from my son!  My first thought was he wanted me to know he loved me, and I should take better care of myself and be happy.”  For those of us who believe that our loved ones can communicate with us through the collective unconscious of our dreams, this is the simplest and most logical explanation.  Trust your instincts and accept the powerful message this interaction brings to you!  How wonderful to be hugged again, and to receive your son’s encouragement.

For those who find that literal approach too far-fetched to accept, there is another way to look at your dream:  Your son would be a metaphor for that part of yourself that has been active and healthy and happy, almost like an 8-year-old boy!  He embraces you in your dream, leaving you with a clear feeling of love and encouragement.  His state of mind is apparent in your reflections about yourself:  You know you’ve been down and need to get up again, just as he urges you to do.  Your dreaming self dips into your reflections and memories of your beloved son, an active and happy boy, and brings them to your consciousness, reminding you how important it is to be as he remembers you – active, happy, and healthy.  

The message is clear either way you look at it:  Take care of yourself!  Be happy!  There’s a lot to live for and enjoy!      

Sweet Dreams to You, Dear Dreamer!


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