Monday, October 24, 2011

Not Ready for the Rocking Chair

Our Dreamer Writes:

Dear SMYD,
I work in a bustling atmosphere surrounded by young people.  We have a problem-solving attitude and thrive on teamwork.  I love my job and get a lot of satisfaction from the work.  I’m paid well too.  So I woke from this dream pretty upset:
I dreamed of a typical workday, fast-paced with multiple priorities.  I stood near my boss at work.  Another young man, Steve, stood with us, arm-in-arm with me.  Someone said to my boss, “When are you going to fire Steve?”  I was surprised at the question because Steve is a good worker.  He never misses a day of work.  He is a self-starter, and he’s smart and dependable. 
But then, I felt totally shocked when my boss answered, “When he’s 55!”  Well, not only is Steve 55, I am 55!  I’m not ready to quit, retire, or be fired!  Why should I be?  I’m at the peak of my game and love to go to work every day.
Is this dream trying to tell me something I don’t know?
Not Ready for the Rocking Chair 

Dear Not Ready,
Dreams of work offer a fertile ground for professional as well as personal insights.  Your workplace dream seems to be speaking to some thoughts or worries you have about your viability at work and the time you have remaining there.
Steve’s about as close to you as he can be.  It’s logical that you not only share the same age, you think of yourself as the type of worker he is in your dream.  He stands for you.
It’s perfect that you describe Steve as a young man with all the desirable qualities of a perfect employee.  This is how you see yourself.  But, at 55, Steve may not meet the standard for truly “young” anymore for most folks.  In fact, he’s past middle age unless the average life expectancy has risen to 110!  Still, in current times, 55 is far from finished in terms of vitality and contributions on the job.  Your dream suggests a thread of self-doubt has crept into your thinking.  You have to do a double take to consider this alternate point of view.
Your Dreaming Self seems to defend your waking self against the suggestion that it’s time for you to step down from working when you are clearly not ready to do so. 

Now, where did that suggestion come from?  Is your company offering an early retirement package?  Are they looking to thin the ranks in tough economic times?  Is your spouse urging you to step down and spend more time at home?  Or perhaps you have simply come to doubt yourself or feel insecure at work.
You mention that you are surrounded by young people at work.  Now is the time to capitalize on your experience and wisdom.  Conversely, don’t shy away from learning new things and staying on top of advances in your field.
Don’t try too hard, Dear Dreamer!  Never let ‘em see you sweat!
Sweet Dreams!

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