Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dream interpretation - Don't slay this dragon!

Many times our physical state will find its way into our dreams.  So, if on a freezing night, a dreamer’s foot works its way out from under the covers, he may well dream that his foot has turned to ice and shattered to pieces.  Today’s dreamer has a similar experience.

Dear Carolyn,

I dreamed I was burning up with fever (which was true; I was down with a bug that made me burn up a bit – 38.1C – or 100.6F!)

I was in the deepest part of my sleep when I was so hot that I could feel heat coming out my mouth!  Then I saw myself as a dragon breathing this hot air out.  This golden yellow white dragon became me until the fever broke.  From that point I still felt ill, but the fever was gone.

What do you think?  I've never had a dragon dream before.  And I love dragons.  I did feel protected.  Anyway I'll leave it with you. 

Thank you!


St. George

Dear St. George,

Many times our physical state will influence our dreaming state.  Pregnant women, for example, report dreams of objects, animals as well as themselves changing shape and size, likely reflecting their consciousness and concern about their own changing shape and size. 

Similarly, our dreams can make us aware of problems within our bodies by depicting them before our waking selves are conscious of the issues.  Ernest Hartmann, M.D. writes in detail about these phenomena in his book Dreams and Nightmares.  He cites many examples including one of a man anticipating surgery who dreamed of a side of beef being sliced up in a butcher’s shop though he claimed to have no worries about the impending operation.  

In another case, a man dreamed of an engine with clogged and rusty pipes prior to being diagnosed with cholesterol hardened arteries.

Another noted dream researcher, Patricia Garfield,Ph.D., reported she injured her wrist and believed it to be a sprain and so did not seek medical attention until she dreamed of seeing a man draw a diagram of her own broken arm!  X-rays confirmed the break afterward.

Your dream seems tied to the fever you harbored ~ with one added element:  You say that you love dragons and felt protected in your dream.  That suggests that in addition to your high temperature, for which a fire-breathing dragon would be a metaphor, that same dragon protects you from any untoward impact of the fever.  Who better to usher you through fire than a creature of fire? 

Your dream suggests that even though you've been ill, you are safe from deeper damage from the illness.

Following the tradition of the Senoi tribe of Malaysia, look for dragons in future dreams!  Their appearance will offer that sense of safety, perhaps even serving as guides in your dream adventures.  The Senoi say to ask, or even demand, a gift from such a dream guide.  Once you have the gift, re-create it in your waking world for growth and expanded awareness.

Sweet Dreams to You!

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